Apr 15, 2009

embroidery on crewel

No Rules in Crewel Embroidery

Of all the embroidery methods, crewel is the most versatile and has the biggest library of stitches. Crewelwork does not involve counting or require evenweave fabric, so you are free to create the most realistic curves. This makes it popular for tapestry work.

This decorative embroidery was most famously used on the Bayeux tapestry. It first became popular among the housewives during the Jacobean period, the 17th century rule of King James I, when it was used on chair cushions, drapery and bed curtains to stitch fancy flowers and animals. There was a revival during the late 19th century Arts and Crafts Movement, and there has been recent popularity for hand embroidery on purses and clothes. I have seen girls doing it on their jeans!

embroidered butterfly

I made my first embroidery in the 7th grade. It was a butterfly, of all things! You may have noticed I like butterflies. :)

This embroidery style was traditionally worked in wool or linen but you can use anything now. That 7th grade butterfly was made with DMC embroidery floss on muslin.
